
Moringa Powder & its Benefits

Moringa powder is considered a superfood and a super medicine and has been commonly used in phytomedicine and ayurvedic healing for many years. As we all know, there are so many medicinal plants that are extreme alternatives to pharmacological compounds. Apart from such super plants, Moringa olifera is a plant popularly known for its extreme health benefits, especially for its natural iron properties.

In some parts, it is called moringa olifera drumstick tree, ben oil tree, horseradish tree, etc. Moringa is native to North India, and now it is widely spread in various parts of the world like America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This plant has a unique medicinal property that controls various diseases. Every part of this plant, like the flower pot leaves and seeds, is considered because it is highly used as a source of food, especially in India, the Philippines, and Pakistan.

Some of its major properties are:

  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory property
  • Anti-depressant
  • Antiviral

Now, moringa is consumed by cooking the leaves or using the moringa powder as a regular supplement. This powder is packed with so many health benefits. It is made up of the leaves of a moringa tree.

How moringa powder is made:

It is made from the leaves of the moringa plant. It is kept under the sun or in a dry place to make the leaves crisp completely. Once dried, it is added to the blender or mixer, which crushes the moringa leaves to a powder.

This powder has a slightly muddy flavor and taste. It is added to so many healthy recipes like smoothies, milkshakes, soup, etc.

Let us see some of the health benefits of moringa powder:

1. Fights against bacterial diseases:

Moringa powder fights against infections caused by Salmonella, Rhizopus, and E. coli as it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

2. Stronger bones:

Moringa highly contains calcium and phosphorus, which help the bones be healthier and stronger. Also, it helps treat conditions like arthritis.

3. Treatment for diabetes:

Moringa powder is widely used for treating diabetes. It reduces the amount of glucose in the blood and also improves hemoglobin levels and overall protein.

4. Improves eyesight:

As moringa powder is rich in antioxidants and calcium levels, it improves eyesight.

5. Helps to prevent and treat cancer:

Moringa powder contains a compound called niazimicin, which will suppress the development of cancer cells.

6. Nourish skin and hair:

It contains iron and protein, which are great sources for protecting skin cells from damage. Also, it has detoxifying elements that boost skin and hair growth.

We all know the medicinal benefits of moringa powder. But people who have sensitive bodies and skin should always consult a doctor before consuming it.

It can improve the quality of water in our bodies as well as promote natural treatments for several diseases. This eventually improves the quality of life and gives easy access to improving public health. It is such a free and accessible food source for all people in the world with less expenditure.

Thus, it is the best and cheapest medicine available in our world. Using this frequently is a wise choice for a healthy life.

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